Ruteng, Vox NTT- Teofanus Rifky Sandi (2) continued to wince in pain, in his mother’s lap.
A child from Wejang Kalo, Tal village, Satarmese sub-district, Manggarai regency has suffered from an eye tumor since last September.
In fact, the son of the couple Inensius Sandi (21) and Akuilina Ndai (18), were born in normal condition on December 17, 2017.
A few days after birth, Rifky’s two eyelids could not be opened. Not infrequently he cried hysterically.
Therefore, Rifky’s two parents took him to a resident’s house to do traditional medicine. Traditional medication choices have to be taken because of economic limitations.
His parents are then happy. Because, Rifky’s eyes can be opened again after medication.
But slowly the right eye began to turn red, like a cat’s eye.
He continued to rub his eyes because he felt sick. Day after day, starting from mediocre, now the right eye ball continues to expand.
Since last September, Rifky often cried when his eyes hurt.
About three weeks ago, he was taken to the Iteng Community Health Center to treat his eyes. But no time to be treated and immediately referred to the Ben Mboi Ruteng Hospital.
At that time Rifky was only given medicine by a pediatric, but there was no change.
Furthermore, on 6 November Rifky’s parents took him back to Ben Mboi Ruteng Hospital.
However, Rifky’s parents were sad again because they had not been treated and were immediately referred to a hospital in Bali.
“If the night is safe, rarely cry. But during the day he often cried, but not for long. Maybe because he was in pain,” said Akuilina, Rifky’s mother told at her home, Saturday, November 9, 2019 afternoon.
Poor Family
The suffering that Rifky may feel makes both of his parents dizzy to find medical expenses.
Moreover, this couple had a family in 2016. They just got married catholically in September 2019.
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To meet the needs of the family, Iwan, nicknamed Rifky’s father, only works as a rice farmer. He is also a laborer in people’s gardens.
Iwan’s income is very small. Moreover, his wife could not help him to work because she had to take care of Rifky at home.
For a long time, Iwan dreamed of being able to treat his son’s eye tumor.

But until now that dream hasn’t come true. He claimed he was always sad when he looked at the face of his son who often cried in pain.
Every day when he returned from work, Iwan admitted that he often shed tears when he saw Rifky’s eyes continued to expand.
Sometimes he claimed to surrender and cry in caring for his child. However, he remained steadfast while waiting for help.
“My tears always drip when I see him (Rifky) when he comes home from work, I am very sad to see his suffering from this disease. I work only to meet daily food needs. Because Rifky’s mother can’t work, because she keeps him at home. I don’t have money to treat his eyes, moreover the costs are very expensive when treating eye tumors,” said Iwan with a gloomy look while looking into his son’s eyes that never improved.
The economic shortages that the Rifky family may experience are not just narratives. observes, this new family home is walled with bamboo shingles. Worse, many holes due to porous.
The roof is made of zinc, but it is rusty. The color also turns brownish black.
The floor is indeed cement. This part is considered safe for Iwan.
In this humble home, it has been a silent witness of how suffering continues to plague the small family of Rifky.
Need Help
His condition is really lacking. Moreover, with Rifky’s illness to make their finances continue to decline.
Iwan, who is the backbone of the family, seems to run out of ways to find his son’s medical expenses. Moreover, the age is fairly young.
He claimed to be confused, wanting to find where the money to pay for Rifky medication.
Iwan claimed not to have enough money to treat his child. Therefore, he really needs help from other parties to help his child’s treatment.
“There is not enough money sir, hopefully there are brothers and sisters who want to help us to treat Rifky’s eyes. We really hope that, because I can’t find the cost myself, “he said, hopefully.
For information, for the people who want to help him, can through the account number: 027301016585530 (BRI), in the name of Inensiensius Sandi, Rifky’s father.
Author: Pepy Kurniawan
Editor: Ardy Abba